
Showing posts from January, 2022

Prefinal paper-2

 Q1)enumerate ethology,patho physiology,treatment of heart failure. Q2)describe etiology localisation and management of acute ischaemic cerebro vascular accident. Q4)Gullian barrie syndrome  Q5)leprosy Q6)diagnostic approach of young onset hypertension and its management. Q8)Dengue hemorrhagic fever Q9)jugular venous pressure Q10)difference between UMN and LMN Q11)classification of antidepressants  Q12)pulmonary edema  Q13)babinskis sign Q14)clinical features of Down’s syndrome  Q15)second line ATT Q16)diagnosis of MI Q7)dilated cardiomyopathy Q3)leptospirosis 

Prefinal paper-1

Q1)define acute kidney injury. Etiology and clinical features of acute kidney injury.write a brief note on diagnosis and management of aki. Q2)what are types of diabetes mellitus?diagnosis and treatment of type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus. Q3)write a brief note on pneumonia  Q4)write a short note on cholelithiasis. Q5)post streptococcal glomerulonephritis. Q 6)write a note on hypopituitatism.  Q7)chronic myeloid leukaemia. Q8)hepatic encephalopathy and it’s treatment. Q9)pulmonary function tests Q10)indications of dialysis  Q11)beta thalasemia  Q12)disease modifying drugs in RA Q13)anti snake venom  Q14)what is serum Ascitis albumin gradient. Q15)difference between Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Q16)causes of lymph edema.