
Showing posts from May, 2023

Intern assessment

 MEDICINE SELF ASSESSMENT NAME:M.SRILEKHA.   ROLL NUMBER:88 The following link Is my online protofolio ,has the links of the cases I saw since I was an undergraduate during clinical postings Posted from 12/2/23 to 13/4/23 I I in unit -IV in medicine: During unit duties: *During duty day in causality I performed my first ever CPR on a 70 year old male who was brought to causality in unconscious was exhilarating and the word doctor seemed much more near to my heart from then.  * accompanied 2 patients to DAC where I learnt the importance of treating a   patient as a whole(both physically and mentally) rather than just dealing with the disease only.interaction with Dr.Rajkumar sir was very helpful. *checked vitals for op patients and took history and learned to prescribe medications for few cases.learned how to manage op when the patient flow is more. *created pajr groups for admitted patients and updated the soap notes ev