45 year old male with recurrent seizures

 45 year old male with recurrent seizures

Mallannagari.Srilekha roll.no:77 9th semester 

This is online E log book to discuss out patients de-identified health data shared after taking his guardian`s informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient`s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comments box is welcome.

Chief complaints:

A 55 year old male cane to the old with two episodes of seizures in last two weeks. 

Shortness of breath since 2 weeks

History of fever 10 days back 

Vomitings two episodes per day  

History of presenting illness

A 45 year old male with history of congenital seizure . Later 

Episode of seizure could occur while eating or triggered by any emotional stress ,there is no history of seizures in sleep. Episode lasted for 1-2 minutes and post ictal period for 15-30 min ,there is involuntary movements  including both upper limbs, there is drooling of saliva from mouth, there is no uprolling of eyes. but the patient does not remember anything about the episode.

Shortness of breath since 10 days of grade 2

Dyspepsia since three days.

Vomintings two episodes per day ,content is food which he has taken.

Past history: 


There is history of seizure soon after birth  later once every one year or two year.inspite of taking medications the patient had episodes every 2-3 months. He is kept on Tab ZEPTOL CR 300 BD.Not a known case of diabetes mellitus , hypertension, tuberculosis ,Asthama, CVA

No past surgical history.      

Personal history:

Diet mixed

Appetite normal 

Bowel and bladder regular

No known allergies

Alcohol regular 

No significant family history.

General examination:

patient is conscious ,coherent, cooperative and oriented to Time, place , person.

Video link of this case discussion


Pallor no

Icterus no

Cyanosis no

Clubbing no 

Lymphadenopathy no 

Edema no 


Pulse rate 78bpm, regular , normal volume.

Blood pressure 110/70 mmHg measured  in right arm

Respiratory rate18 cpm

Temperature afebrile

Systemic examination:

CVS:S1 and S2 heart sounds heard.

No murmurs heard


Position of the trachea central

BAE present , vesicular breath sounds heard


Palpation: liver and spleen not palpable and no palpable masses.

Hernial orifices are free.

No free fluid no bruits 

bowel sounds heard 


Higher mental function intact.

Cranial nerve functions normal

Motor system:

                             UL         LL

- Power :  R.      5/5.       5/5

                  L.      5/5.       5/5. 

- Tone :     R.        N          N

                  L.         N          N

- Reflexes :    B     T     S     K     A      P

                 R   2+   2+   2+  2+    1+    Extensor

                 L   2+    2+   2+   2+  1+    Flexor

Sensory system : Intact


Provisional diagnosis : recurrent seizures?non compliance to medication and gastritis.
On 16th October 

On 17th October 

On 18th

On 19th 
Patient discharge on 20th October.

I thank DR.SAI GOVIND SIR for sharing clinical images of the patient.


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