Roll no:77 Internal assessment -1

 Q1)define bone density, how it is measured?what are the causes ,clinical features ,diagnosis and management of osteoporosis?

Bone density or bone mineral density is amount of bone mineral in bone tissue.
—Test used to measure bone mineral density is central dual energy X-ray absorptiometry DEXA.
—DEXA scan not only identifies osteoporosis but also monitors the response to osteoporosis treatment.
-it is a painless technique.
Management : bisphosphonate ALENDRONATE
Q2)what is myxedema coma ?describe its clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of myxedema coma.

Short notes 

Q3) what is diagnostic approach of young onset hypertension and it’s treatment.

Q4) how do you clinically localise the anatomical level of lesion in spinal cord diseases.

Q5) causes, diagnosis, treatment of atrial fibrillation


Causes of atrial fibrillation:cardiac causes hypertension,pericardial disease,cardiomyopathy.
Pulmonary causes:pulmonary embolism,COPD.
Endocrine: hyperthyroidism. General causes like taking caffeine, smoking , alcohol can increase heart rate.

 Irregularly Irregular Pulse with rate 100-150 per minute .

 Overall, in patients with AF, the crude mortality rate for all-cause death was 63.3 per 1,000 person-years. Patients with AF demonstrated a 3.67-fold higher risk of all-cause death than an age- and sex-matched general population (SMR 3.67, 95% CI 3.56–3.78).

Q6)describe about megaloblastic anemia.

Prevention of megaloblastic anemia 
Avoid alcohol.
Adequate intake of food containing colic acid and vitamin B12.
Take vit B supplements if on medications that reduce acid secretion.

Q7)what are the causes, pathogenesis and differential diagnosis of ascites.

Q8)approach to acute pancreatitis.

Q9)differences between UMN and LMN.

Q10)indications of hemodialysis 

-resistant hyperkalemia 

-urea >180mg/dl, creatinine >8 mg/dl.

-refractory fluid overload. 

- ckd stage -5

I remix symptoms like altered mental status,pruritis.

Q11)role of sucralfate in treatment of corrosive gastritis

Q12) mention renal manifestations of snake bite

Q13)causes of portal hypertension 

Causes of portal hypertension can be divided into per renal, renal and post renal.

Q14) clinical features of Down syndrome

Mongoloid faces

Q15) post streptococcal glomerulonephritis complications

Post streptococcal glomerulonephritis complications:
Pulmonary edema
Hypertensive encephalopathy 

Q16) causes of cervical myelopathy 


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